Thursday, April 23, 2009

Macy turns 3...

I was 3 years old today!
I had a great start to the day, as my mam said I could eat whatever I wanted for breakfast....
so I chose cake! yummy....

I then opened all my presents that everyone had sent me...this is me opening my card and pressie for Anuji and Pete!

This is my new outfit for Aunty Tasha and uncle Pete.

I am having lots of fun here with my fuzzy felts..thanks Sarah xxx.

Mommo, Emjay had pinched my puzzle you gave me and is building a tower, can you see him behind me??
Thanks for it, we can both have lots of fun. xxx
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1 comment:

Sam Bates said...

Happy birthday Macy, you're growing up so quickly. we love your bike! Love Sam and Ruby xx