Sunday, July 16, 2006

Macy 12 weeks old!

Hello everyone! I am 12 weeks old now and am really starting to play with some of my toys! This is me on my play mat which is a particular favourite!
Here I am practising to roll and crawl. I can hold my head up high, and am figuring out how to roll on to by back. It wont be long until I am moving around on my own!

I have got my eye on the first thing I am going to grab!!! I think someone should move my dad's lovely hifi!!!
Here I am eating my fist, which I enjoy very much! It makes a nice change from milk which I get EVER day! How boring.....sack the chef I say!!!

Also please can I make a complaint to the hair dresser??? I am not paying for this, I look like something from the muppets!!
Here I am with my favourite toy from Momo in Finland, it is nice and soft! I will be able to eat it soon!

I cant wait to see you all in pommie land!! Only 3 and half weeks until I get on my plane!xxxxx Posted by Picasa

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