Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Biggest Footy Fan, but for which team???

Hi everyone, I am 7 weeks now and have the tough decision of deciding who to support in the World cup! Although I am born an Aussie I cannot deny my english ties. Especially since I keep getting sent all the England outfits from my frinds in Pommie land!

This lovely number is from my mam's friend Sarah. Sarah also reminded me that I was born on St Georges day so I guess I got to go with the English boys!
Thses next 2 outfits were sent from my Aunty Tash! Here I am practising my footy technique, I am going to be the next David Beckham. Without the immoral behaviour!
Here I am having a good old laugh at the weekend footy results! England won 1-0 and the Socaroos won 3-1.(And that 1 goal Japan scored was not a real goal!) Go the Roos!!!! I think i might swop teams? Anybody got any aussie outfits they can send me????? I will have to send my mam to the shops!!! heheheh Posted by Picasa

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