Saturday, February 20, 2010

More pics..

Macy's lovely butterfly cake...

Lulu and Daddy blowing out the candle!

Lulu's 2nd dress change of the day!

Finished my birthday at the park!
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More 1st Birthday pics.

"Whats with that hats mam?'

Birthday smiles.

Macy was very excited for Luls's birthday, and gets into the party spirit.
"This is very cool party mam".
(Mainly because it is her's next!)

Emjay helps blow out the candles!
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Lulu turns 1!

Hey everyone!

Thank you so much for all my presents! They were just lovely!

I got lots of clothes form Aunty Dan, cool books for Aunty Tash and a lovely top from Ness Thanks you!

Thanks Mummo for my lovely tops and mobile. We put it up straight away xxx

Lulu loves the wrap.

"When does the party start?"

"Nice chocs Mummo!"
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Party preperation..

Hey everyone,
We have been busy getting ready for Lulu's birthday...
We made a backpack to help us!

Macy iced the cake..

Lulu licked the bowl..

Emjay made sure the choc buttons tasted good!
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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Summers eve..

Hey everyone,

Here we are enjoying a bedtime snack in the evening sun.
(Macy as easy rider).

Emjay the Rally driver

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Meeting the Panda's

We had a special invite to get up close with the new Panda's at Adelaide zoo.

Emjay and Woowoo shared a kiss.

Lulu puckering up for a kiss!
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Visit to the Zoo part2

Emjay loves the zoo, here he is wondering how the hippos can swin even when they are so big?

Macy is wondering how the Giraffes got so tall?

Lulu is wondering if anyone has spotted her eating a chip!
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Trip to Zoo

2 big hippos, remind me you of anyone?

Snappy Crocodile!

Massive Turtles.

Elegant Giraffes..
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