Friday, December 25, 2009

Xmas dinner!

We had a lovely Christmas lunch down our local pub.

Emjay had a traditional Turkey Roast.

While Macy went for a less conventional dish, Baramundi and Chips!

Eddie ate the lot!
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Thank You!

Macy would like to say a big thank you to everyone!

Thank you to Aunty Tash for my lovely clothes.

Mommu for my special book.
Uncle Tom and Juila for my Dora watch (which I love!)

Ness for my lovely Tshirt.

Sarah and Nuj for my beautiful dress and jacket!

And of course Grandma!

Thank you all so much I had a lovely day and got some fab gifts.
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Lulu's First Christmas.

Lulu's first Christmas was lovley. She got lots of toys and a lovely outfit from Anuji and Pete!
Thanks you x
Lulu wasnt so sure what was going on.

"Who is this Santa fella people keep talking about?"
Lulu is 10 months now!
Nearly 1!
Chatting in the Garden!

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Merry Christmas!

Hi Everyone!
Look what we got for Christmas, we were very spoilt and got a big climbing frame for the garden.
Emjay got a work bench...
so he can make lots of thing...
and lots of noise!
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Xmas Eve.

"Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a crature was stirring.......not even a MMMMMacy,. Emjay or Lulu!"

Macy was so excited! This was our Xmas food for Santa. We left him a homemade mince pie, some lettuce for the reindeer and some milk and water!
Cousin Tom was so excited!

Macy couldnt wait. "I wonder what he will bring?"

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Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Uncle Tom visit to Adelaide..

Uncle Tom has been visiting us from England.
He has loved the aussie wine!

He babysat for us so Mam and Dad could go out, and we had lots of fun!

"He has everything under worries!"

Everything except Emjay that is....

"Everyone smile!"
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Wet weekend...

Hi Everyone,

We had lovely cool wet weekend.
Do you like my new umbrella?

We took Uncle Tomto meet some of our Koala friends.

Had fun messing around in the rain

Then we snuggled up warm in bed.
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Friday, November 27, 2009

Xmas has arrived early...

Hello Everyone,
Christmas has arrived early in Adelaide.
Macy is very excited about Father Christmas, and keeps seeing him everwhere.

He was at the beach the other day with his sleigh!!

Emjay is wondering what all the fuss is about???

Macy dressing the tree.

Macy dresses up as Rudolf....
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Messing around...

Eddie and Lulu having a lunch.

Messy Macy..

Emjay and Macy reading in bed.

Lovely Laughing Lulu.
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Monday, November 16, 2009

Hello Aunty Tasha

We love you Aunty

What a mess...

Emjay eatinh his favourite pasta.

Macy being cheeky..

Brushing our teeth..

Beautiful Jem.
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Thursday, November 12, 2009

happy birthday sarah

Happy Birthday Sarah
21 again

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Summer is here!

"Yipee "says Lulu.

Its well and truly here it has been 38oc all week and we are having to keep ourselves cool!

Thanks for all our cool swimmers Sarah, they are getting lots of wear.

They are so cool I am wearing mine indoors!

Macy keeping/ being cool in the pool.

Emjay wearing his very apt "Be Careful I bite" swimmers.
How did you know Sarah???
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