Friday, October 31, 2008

Day out in Sydney!

Mam, Macy and Emjay hanging out in Hyde Park!

Emjay chillin in the sun.

Macy and the Opera house.
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Day out in SydneyQ

We had an exciting day exploring the city this week. We went on buses, trains and ferrys!

Daddy was a tourist for the day!

Macy done some washing at a park looking over the bridge! A womens work is never done!!

Emjay walks...sort of....
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Camping in Sydney

Emajy the Rooster fan!

Macy enjoying her coffee!

Dad ad Macy in down town Sydney!

Emjay the cool dude!
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More Camping!

Emjay the little Rooster, playing a tune on his piano for all the neghbours to hear!

Macy driving the Volvo like her mam.

Emjay eating his breakfast!

Macy enjoyinh her weetbix!
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Our New house!

This is what our new house looks like when Dad has put it up!
It is very luxurious with 2 bedrooms, a living room and a sun room!

This is the alfresco dinning area!

This is where Macy and Emjay sleep!
We are sleeping all through the night and Mam and Dad are sooooo pleased!
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Hello Everyone!!!

Well we have finally moved from our house and are on the road!! This is our new "home in a bag"!

We had a bit of a rough start to our 2 month camping trip as Emjay was sick, it rained and our new Volvo was sick also!
But we are having lots of fun now!

Me and Emjay have lots of fun watching Daddy put it up!

It took him 3 dyas the first time!!

Our old house! Sold to the highest bidder!
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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Macy and Tom hooning around!

This is me and cousin Tom having a laugh!

Ah Oh!! This is one big croc!

Aunty Tash and a colourful Emjay!

Macy cock!
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Macy meets Charlie Croc

Hi There,

I went to the Reptile park last week and met a baby crocodile! He was very cute and did not bite!

I even gave him a pat!

This was Tasmin turtle, she was twice as big as me!

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Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Last few days before we say goodbye!

We have had a brill time with our cousin Tom, especially in the back of the car!

Mam is very worried! (This is what its like with 3!!)

We went to see the wombats!

And the Koalas!

Why are the dingbats??
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Emjay 1st birthday!

Family Peacock blow out Emjays candles!

Macy enjoys the jelly!

Daddy and Emjay enjoy a bit of "jump jump".
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Emjay turns 1!

Emjay had his first birthday while we were on holiday!

"hey ladies!!"

"What kind of party is this without any cake??"

"I suppose I will have to eat my new Finnish bib? Thanks Mommo!"

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