Saturday, January 26, 2008

Dad became and Australian Citizen today!

Hi All!

Today was a big day for the Peacocks as Daddy Peacock becoming an Aussie!
We had to go to a big cermony, where Daddy had to promise that he would be a good Aussie by...

a) Drinking VB
b) Throwing snags on the barbie,
c) Calling my Mam "Sheila" from now on. (Seems a bit odd, I though Mammy was a good name??)

We had lots of fun hanging out with lots of Aussie's and watching Dad on stage.
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Dad's an Aussie!

This is the stage where dad became an aussie!
Can you spot him?
Here's a close up for the short sighted people! Dad is paying lots of attention to the important man!
The is Daddy fan club!
Can you spot me and Emjay?
Here is Daddy doing a special speech!
Trust him to get himself a special slot!
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Macy Australia Day 2008

Hello all, I had lots of fun this Australia day.
Everyone else watched the ceremony while I made arun for it under the ropes!
"Watch it mate...this rope aint big enough for the two of us!"
The dingles after Dad becomes a real Aussie!
Macy flying the Aussie flag!
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Emjay's first Australia Day!

Will someone please take off this hat? Icant see a thing!
Boring citizen cermony!
Why cant i stay at home and play on my playstation??
This part was a bit funny!
I'm tired of all the partying and I want to go home now!
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January 2008

I am finding my new role as big sister hard work!
I de-stress my painting.....
Me and Emjay having a "biggest pout" competition!
Our new wheels! Check them out....
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Monday, January 21, 2008

Where have the last 4 months gone?

Hello All,

I am nearly 4 months now and boy have i grown! I still have big blue eyes and a tuft like Tin-Tin!
Here I am with dad having a good old laugh at his jokes!
(Someone has to, thats why they had me!)
This is our brooding catalogue pose!
This is me practising my "dad dancing".....sorry I meant to say "dancing with dad"!
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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Peppa Pig

Mille and Macy the telly junkies!
Emjay the Rooster!
Emjay chewing on his favourite rattle!
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Busy, busy, busy....

Hi everyone,
Things are very busy, here I am playing with my puzzles!
Emjay and Oliver Maund hanging out!
Macy and Mille painting!
Macy is creating the next Banksy!
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Emajy and Macy in 2008!

Hey all,
How are you all going?
We are waiting for Grandma to visit in a few weeks!
Here is Emjay and Dad, dont they look alike?

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