Saturday, September 29, 2007

Macy and Emjay!

Hello All!

This is me and Emjay hanging out in the bouncer. I am more facinated than my brother all he does is sleep.......
and cry.......
Peeka boo!!!
Sleeping bro!
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Thursday, September 27, 2007

My new role as a big sis!

Hi everyone, I am afraid this will just be a quick post as I have now been enroled into child slavery.

I have been given chores to do every day since Emjay arrived!

I am even doing his washing! Men eh......I thought this was the 21st Century????!!!!!
Well..I am fed up of it!

No more chores for me! I am off to cause some micheif and mayhem!!!

My Grandma has been very busy teaching me how to shop.
This is us on our way to the Mall.

First thing to get right is the correct clothing, head wear is very important...
Then the pout.......
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Emjay turns 3 days old!

Hello Everyone, this is my brother 3 days old. He is eating well and very content. However he seems to be confused between day and night. He sleeps while I am awake and is up when I am asleep.

He also has massive feet which I am facinated with!
Do you think him and dad look alike?
Here is my bro having his bum changed!
Here I am just hanging out....looking around!
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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Macy and Emjay in da house!

Hello All,
My little brother is now 2 days old and we have been very busy making him feel at home. We have both recieved lots of presents! Here is my new peppa pig top from aunt tash. Thank you xxxx

Here is grandma having a swim!!!

Here is my bro, having a snooze! xxx
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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Macy playing

Hello Everyone! Here I am busy playing with my jigsaw and reading my book. It's hard being a todler!
Do you like my new red shoes? Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz has nothing on me!!!
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Sunday, September 16, 2007

New bro or sis??

Hello all! Today we made a cast of my mam's tummy and hung it on the wall. We can then show my new brother and sister where they lived for 9 months!
Here I am having a snooze with grandma after a mornign of shopping! Life is tough at the top!
Crisps, crisps and more crisps!!! Life is full of choices! xxx
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Only a few days now!!

Hello Every one! Only a few days now until my new bro or sis gets here! We are all very excited. He is currently sleeping in my mam's big tummy!
I am having lots of fun with Grandma eating crisps and watching the birds!
I am also very busy cleaning up with my new vacum!
Here I am relaxing after a hard day working! Thanks Aunty Tash for my top!xxx
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Friday, September 14, 2007

Grandma is in town!

Hello Everyone!
Grandma has been here a week and we are having lots of fun! She is keeping very busy cleaning up and getting everything ready for the new baby!
Here is me and my mam, she has a big belly where the new baby is hiding. He or she will hopefully be coming out to play soon!!!
This is me having a rest after a morning of tea and cakes! As you can see i have developed a passion for milkyways since grandma got here!!!
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