Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Macy says hello!

Hello all,

I had a fun weekend with my dad at Smarty Pants, my new fav hangout!
Thanks for my outfit Sarah! Its lovely x

Here I am sliding in the ball pool!
Here me and dad having a laugh!
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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Macy has enough!

Hello All,
Fruit, fruit and more bloody fruit! Where are the choclolates, sweets and lollies???
Well, I have had enough, I am packing my bags and I am off! In search of all things sweet!
This is my favourite new game, Peekaboo.
I hide and my mam looks for me shouting, "where's Macy?"
I then say "Boo....here I am!"
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Sunday, August 05, 2007

Macy's first car!

Hi Everyone! I got my first car this weekend! Its small, red and very economical on petrol!
This car aint big enough for the both of us!

I went so far I had to fill up at the pumps!!
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Friday, August 03, 2007

Macy visits the wombat!

Hi Everyone, I had a very exciting day today as I went to visits the wombats and Blackbutt our local reserve.

They were very stange looking creatures!! They even made my Dad look beautiful!

Then we went off to see the Koalas! They were much cuter! Thats what people call me, "Macy the Koala" because I am always clinging to my mummuy!

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