Monday, May 28, 2007

Macy hits the park for the first time!

Hey Everyone this is me in my tube! I had a ball!

At the store!!!

Learning how to climb!

On the swings!
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Monday, May 21, 2007

My westie/ bogan/ homie / ned outfit!

As I said last time, mt dad went to America and brought me back this "homie" outfit. I also got some bling!

Here I am practising my hip hop dancing!

Playing hide and seek!
Where is wally???
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Bath time with Macy!

Hello everyone!
Long time no speak. My dad has been in America so we have had no camera so I have had some well needed rest away from the lens!
We are now in full force to make up for the lost time so expect lots of boring photos!! Like me in the bath!

And again me in the bath....

Me standing in the bath with my new toys! Thanks Aunty Tasha!
Me sitting in the bath, great eh???
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