Thursday, March 29, 2007

Macy First Bike Ride!

Well what a weekend I had! I had my first ride on a bike!

As you can see I was a bit miffed at first.

But let me tell you I was a bit worried, wouldn't you be with these two idiots for parents??
I think my dad is more excited than me!
Blimey! Slow down dad!!! I am only little!!
Thank god thats over. Its a miracle i am still in one piece! Posted by Picasa

Macy watches the sunrise!

We had a family holiday up in Surfers Paradise last week. My mam and dad got me up to watch the sunrise.

As you can see it was thoroughly gripping?!?! Posted by Picasa

Macy stands!

Hey Everyone,

Well I am learinng to stand at the moment and I am having lots of fun.
I am also getting in practise pushing my buggy! My mam and dad will need all the help they can get when my new sister or brother gets here! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Macy's first Stage debut!

Well I had an interesting weekend! The things I get roped into because I cannot say "no" appears to be getting worse by the day!

This saturday I ended up at a fitness exhibiton being used as a dumbbell!

What the?????

Here I am thinking that things dont look to bad.....
Then next thing I know I am being pushed up i the air in front of a room full of people!
Please can someone stop this madness???? Posted by Picasa

Macy hits the swings!

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Macy's new surfer boy friend!

Hello Everyone! How are you all going!

I would like to introduce you to my latest fella, like Cameron I have been seduced by the Surfer types!

Sam is going to be the next Kelly Slater! That is if he can manage to escape from me!
Here is Sam again, he came to play and we had lots of fun! Posted by Picasa