Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Macy relaxes in spring sunshine!

Hello everyone!
This is me off for a walk in my stroller! We have had some hot weather for spring so i have been wearing my Bono glasses alot!
The bush walk got a bit too much for me so we stopped for a little snooze! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Summer is on it's way!

Hello everyone!
The weather here at the moment is getting hotter so I went out and bought myself some sun glasses.
Unfortunaletly I look like Bono from U2!!!
This is my little Aussie sun hat for when I go to the beach. I start my swimming lessons soon and will be in the surf before you can day "boogie Board"!
This is me and Aunty Yan, who I is lining with us at the moment! She is loving Australia ang gives me lots of kisses!
Here is me having a dribble!
xxxxxx Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Mam and Dad are getting married soon.

My mam and me are busy arranging the wedding. We are currently looking for a suit for dad but we need you help.

Can you please leave a message (you dont have to log in now) and let me know which colour to go for?

I think dad would look hot in the pink (as it goes with my new buggy) , what about you? Posted by Picasa

Nearly 5 months now!

Hey, I am nearly 5 months now! I can roll over, grab my feet, and eat cereal! I have had an exciting few weeks
This is my lovely outfit from Nuj and Pete. They sent it to me when i was first born. Thanks
This is me giving my teddy a love! Posted by Picasa

Macy gets mean!

Hello All!
This is me trying to look mean! I give the other little girls this look if they come anywhere near by toys!
"Dont mess with me", I say, "or I will bite your ear off!!"
This is my death stare! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Yo ma home dogs!!!

This is big Ms Macy P in da house, busting some moves in ma crib!!!
Big up al ya hommies in da house!!!

Do you want ma digets wigga???????
 Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Macy the thumb sucker!

This is my new fad, I have always got my thumb in my gob!
Here again, with my thumb in again!
Hello there!! Posted by Picasa

Macy in auditions for "Little House on the Prairie"

Hello there, here are my new hats for the winter months! I am currently up for the role of Jim-Bob's girlfriend!
This is my particuar favourite, however I do look a bit ginger??? I assure you I am not, although I have nothing against gingers!
This is my confused look, I was asked to practise this pose for auditions!! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Macy is back in town!

Well I am well and trully and back in the swing of things!
Here is my hair dont! Posted by Picasa

Meet my new baby sitter!!!

Hello everyone! This is my new baby sitter Aunty Ryannan. She flew home with us and is settling in well! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, September 02, 2006

18 weeks and bored!

What is all the fuss about anyway???? Posted by Picasa

Back at home with my dad!

Here I am snuggled up with my dad. I was soo excited to see him as I had wondered where he was all this time! Here we are chilling in our hammock in my front garden!
It was the first day of spring today so I enjoyed lazing around the pool! I think I get this from my mam!
I got lots of lovely presents but this is one of my favourites! Who's tail is it anyway! Thanks Sarah!
It was father's day today so we went on a bush walk! Can you see me??? Posted by Picasa

I made it back!! But only just!!!

Well I did make it back form the Uk but only just! It was touch and go, thanks to my new friend Sarah.

My mam was too busy eating a sandwich so we missed our flight from Newcastle to Heathrow. We then ended up in Gatwick with only an hour to get to Heathrow for our connecting flight. Argh...........

Thanks to my friend Sarah, who picked me, my (stupid) mam, and Aunty Ryannan (the new baby sitter) and 8 million bags, up from Gatwick in her mini! sarah made a speedy journey across London and got us to our gate on time! Phew!!!!!

Thanks Sarah! We would not have made it without you! I will have sturn word with my mam about eating sarnies and cakes, instead of getting on planes!!!

I am sorry for the pooing in your car! Next time I will be older and hopefully toilet trained!!! Love Macy Peacockxxxxx Posted by Picasa

Good times!

This is me and Scrappy having a chat! He was the only one that I could get a decent conversation out of!
Here I am in bonnie Scotland with nanna Olive and my mam! I tried the haggis but did not like it very much! Uck!!
Here I am in my new pink pram my grandma bought me! Isnt it lovely!
I am having a think here about whether I have enough pink accessories?  Posted by Picasa

More family photos!

Here I am with my great- nanna Woolly!
Here with grandma in the lake district!
Here I am with Gang Gang!
Here I am wondering where my dad is .I have not seen him for ages and I am missing him a lot!!! Posted by Picasa