Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Look at how big I have grown in 4 weeks!

I am not happy all they do is take photos of me, if its not with stupid teddies, its my feet! BORING!!!! Posted by Picasa

Look how small I was!

This was me 2 weeks old! Posted by Picasa

Macy day 38!

Look at the size of my feet, how am i ever going to get a pair of heels to fit!
Me after my bath, nice and warm!
Hello everyone! I am starting to smile!
I am having a great old time today with my mam! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Surrounded by boys!!! Meet Jake & Bodie!

Lucky me, meet my 2 boyfriends! They are both fighting over me and I am stuck in the middle!
Jake is in the blue playing hard to get! Bodie is in white and sleeping!!
Jake & I are looking at our mammy's, and Bodie is still sleepin!!
Jake & Macy looking for our next feed, and Bodie still sleepin!
Macy & Jake ready to go, and Bodie still sleeping! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Macy 1 Month Old

Macy sticks her tongue out!

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Thursday, May 18, 2006

Macy getting her nappy changed!

What is it you said? I can't hear you? I must have got my mam's ears!
I am getting ready for the school yard bullies. Any one touch me or my friends and you'll get a knuckle sandwich!
Butter wouldn't melt in my mouth!
Are you as bored of looking at all the dull photographs of me? I am sooooo over posing for them!!! Posted by Picasa

Macy Day 26

Macy sticks her tongue out at Dad!
Macy laughing at her mam's funny jokes! He He
Another funny joke from my mam!
I am not sure that one was so funny??? Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Macy First Bush Walk

Mam & me went for our first bush walk today! I loved it so much I was asleep before we left the house!
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Macy and her mam sleeping!

Who do you think I look like? I have got my dads lips!!! Posted by Picasa

Macy 3 weeks old!

Macy playing in her bouncer chair!
Macy talking!
Macy dancing, hip hop style!
Macy looking for her dad! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Daddy Installed a new fire to keep me warm!

Daddy spent all saturday arvo constructing a flue adaptor for our new wood fire. Bodgit and Scarper eat your heart out... Posted by Picasa

Macy 3 weeks old and her first Mother Day

This is me in my first dress which my Aunty Danni bought me!
This me telling my mam I love her on our first Mother Day!
Macy wondering why am I wearing a hat? Isn't it suppose to be hot in Australia?
Mam & Macy having a chat before we go to Lunch! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, May 11, 2006